The Chameleon
The Chameleon
The Chameleon, by Rikki Tahta and Big Potato Games, is a social deduction, word-based, family-friendly, party game in which the players have to work out who amongst them is hiding as the chameleon.
The game is a simple game of hide and seek where players each draw a card one of which will state that you are the chameleon. All other cards are identical and contain a grid of the different die roll combinations which in turn provides the co-ordinates of the word you will describe from one of the topic cards in the main game.
One player rolls the two dice and players use their grid to locate a word on the topic card being played that round. Each word is loosely linked to the topic title. Players then go round providing a one word clue to the secret word on the topic card, being careful not to use any of the words that are on the card, or the word itself.
This is difficult for the chameleon as they must blend in without knowing the specific word the team are describing. However, players cannot provide too easy a clue as otherwise they may help the chameleon to guess the hidden word. Once all players have stated their word, the team then discuss and attempt to work out who is hiding as the chameleon. This requires deduction skill and some good bluffing from the chameleon. Once deliberations are concluded, players vote. If they are correct and unmask the Chameleon, the chameleon gets the chance to guess the secret word, it successful, the Chameleon stays hidden.
It is the balance here that creates the enjoyment as players must choose their words carefully so as not to make it too easy for the chameleon, whilst the chameleon needs to choose a word that is open ended enough that they don't get caught.
There is an option to score the game with the undetected chameleon scoring two, the chameleon scores one if they're unmasked but guesses the secret word. The team score two if the find the chameleon and he/she doesn't guess the word. In this game, it's the first player to give points that wins.
This game goes down well with families and at parties. So... can you manage to blend in well enough to play as the Chameleon? Do you have the detective skills to successfully unmask the chameleon? Get the game deal our the cards and find out.
Player Count: 3-8
Time: 15 Minutes
Age: 14+
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