Skull 2022 edition
Skull 2022 edition
Skull is a simple game of bluffing and deduction. Everyone is given a set of 4 coasters and a coaster base. 3 of these coasters will be of floral design, and 1 of them will depict a Skull. All 4 of these coasters will have the same designed reverse side. On your turn you will have 2 options:
1. Place one of your coasters face down, or…
2. Call out a number lower than the number of coasters that have been placed.
In order to win Skull, you must successfully reveal flowers equal to the number of coasters you call out twice. The two caveats to Skull however are that other players have the chance to call out a number higher than you in order to win the round themselves and if you are revealing coasters then you must reveal your own first. If you reveal a skull coaster (even if it is your own) then you will shuffle your coasters together and lose one face down. You will be trying to deduct what coasters players have left in the game and use that knowledge to inform your future turns at deciding what amount of coasters you think you can safely reveal. You have to take chances to win!
As simple as Skull is, it can easily lead to plenty of laughs for your game night and is even small enough to travel with. Skull is compatible with all other versions of the game and comes with:
1 x Skull coaster of each colour/design (6 in total)
3 x Flower coasters of each colour/design (18 in total)
1 x Coaster base of each colour/design (6 in total)
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