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Regular price €15,00 EUR
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Kahuna is a two player only area control and card drafting game. Throughout the game each player is seeking to gain control of as many of the twelve islands as possible.

Players gain control of the islands by having the more than half the bridges on the connecting routes around an island. If they succeed they get to place a marker on that island and claim it as theirs. When a player gains control of an island they immediately remove their opponent’s bridges from around that island. This can have knock on effects and lead to players losing control of several islands in a turn.

A bridge must be paid for using two cards. These can either be two of the same or two different cards. However, the cards which are played must be linked to the islands players are trying to connect. During the game players take cards either face down from the deck, or from one of the face up cards, to try and build up their hand to play a succession of bridges. Players can also pay cards, in the same manner as above, to remove an opponent’s bridge from an island.

The game is played over three rounds. A round ends when all of the cards have been taken. Points are then scored for each island with a marker on. The cards are shuffled and a new round begins. After the first round the player with control of the most islands gains one point. After the second round the player with control of the most island gains two points. In round three the player with control of the most islands get a number of points equal to the different in islands controlled between the players. These points are all added up and the player with the most points wins.

Player Count: 2
Time: 30-40 minutes
Age: 10+


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