Carnegie was inspired by the life of Andrew Carnegie who was born in Scotland in 1835. Andrew Carnegie and his parents emigrated to the United States in 1848. Although he started his career as a telegraphist, his role as one of the major players in the rise of the United States’ steel industry made him one of the richest men in the world and an icon of the American dream.
Carnegie is an elegant and interactive management game. Players must compete in growing their companies through shrewd investments in real estate, industry, and transportation. Players will find ways to take sole advantage of lucrative opportunities. In the end, the most successful player will be victorious – but success is judged by more than one's wealth. To win, players must also contribute to the country's greatness through their deeds and generosity.
During the game you will recruit and manage employees, expand your business, invest in real estate, produce, and sell goods, and create transport chains across the United States; you may even work with important personalities of the era. Perhaps you will even become an illustrious benefactor who contributes to the greatness of his country through deeds and generosity!
The game takes place over 20 rounds; players will each have one turn per round. On each turn, the active player will choose one of four actions, which the other players may follow.
The goal of the game is to build the most prestigious company, players win accumulating the most victory points.
Player Count: 1-4
Time: 2-3 Hours
Age: 12+
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