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Bunny Kingdom

Bunny Kingdom

Regular price €71,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €71,00 EUR
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Take on the mantle of Rabbit Lords and lead your rabbits into the new land of Bunny Kingdom, claiming territory, building cities and growing vital resources as your fiefs grow and flourish, all in a bid to harvest the most Golden Carrots.

Heavyweight designer Richard Garfield has created a two to four player game that is as cutthroat as it is cute, utilising card drafting and area control mechanics and played over four rounds.

Each round, players choose two cards from the 10 or 12 they’ve been dealt, which will either give you territory (a space on the hundred square board), a basic or luxury resource to place on a territory you own, sky towers to connect two of your fiefs or cities to place on a territory you own.

On top of all of these options, there may also be Parchment cards which will give you Golden Carrots for accomplishing certain targets by the end of the game. Some parchment cards simply give you Golden Carrots at the end of the game. Parchment cards are kept a secret until final scoring to ensure a tense and unpredictable end.

Once you have selected your two cards, you pass the rest on to the next player and choose from the new hand that has just been given to you by an opponent. You’ll have delicious decisions to make when considering what to take and what to pass on. Is it worth leaving a card you need in the hand and hope that it comes back around, or do you take it now to ensure you get it, but then you may miss out on another important card.

The round ends when all cards have been claimed.

If you need to brush up on your times tables, then Bunny Kingdom is the game to help, as you multiply the spires on the cities in your fiefs with the resources produced within the same fief. As the rounds roll by, you’ll have more spires and more resources, meaning a significant points (Golden Carrot) increase as the game progresses.

This game comes with beautiful components and fantastic art by Paul Mafayon that every gamer will enjoy.

Who will draft best and ultimately win the battle to produce the most Golden Carrots and be name King or Queen of Bunny Kingdom?

Player Count: 2-4
Time: 45 Minutes
Age: 14+


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