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Air, Land & Sea: Revised Edition

Air, Land & Sea: Revised Edition

Regular price €30,00 EUR
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Air, Land & Sea: Revised Edition

Air, Land & Sea is a small 18 card game that offers 2 players a surprising amount of tactical gameplay. You and a friend will battle over three theatres of war to try and claim the majority of them and win the game.

A battle ends when one player withdraws or all players have played their 6 cards out to the theatres. The Theatres are of course, Air, Land & Sea and in general cards are played to their matching theatre if played face up. However each card can be played face down to any theatre as a wild strength 2 card.

The 18 cards break down into 6 cards from each theatre with the numbers 1-6 on. Sixes are simple and have no power, but all the other cards come with a power that is activated any time the card is revealed. This is important because a lot of the powers revolve around flipping, moving and manipulating the cards on the table. Crucially you can usually do this to your or your opponents cards!

An outright win gains 6 points and 12 points will win the game. But if you decide that you can’t win this battle, or you want to limit the other players points you can withdraw. The more cards you have in your hand at the time the less points the opponent gets.

Withdrawing is a huge decision and can turn the tide as you take a quick loss but turn it around in the next battle. Air, Land & Sea creates tension in every play as you try to outwit your opponent. You can quickly go from feeling in control and happy to being incredibly worried about what the other player might do next!

Player count: 1-2
Time: 15-30 minutes
Age rating: 14+

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